Welcome to SpiritBound

SpiritBound is an approachable, online church community offering worship, conversation forums, and faith exploration to the Spiritually Curious.  We are people dedicated to following Jesus’ Way of Love as we serve our local communities.

Join the Conversation: A place of Connection and Belonging

SpiritBound worships weekly online, receives prayer requests, and hosts conversations at the intersection of faith and community.  

Who We Are

At SpiritBound, we create a space where people can explore the Way of Love in Jesus and an enlivened spiritual curiosity of questioning.  We travel with the spiritually curious in your quest to experience the unconditional love of God through worship, conversation and curiosity. 

We are an inclusive, welcoming online  church community rooted in the Episcopal Church, welcoming all seekers- no exceptions - to travel together as we learn how to live into Jesus’ Way of Love.

Whether you are seeking a deeper connection with God, looking for a supportive community, or simply curious about the teachings of Jesus, SpiritBound is here to accompany you on your spiritual journey.